Top 10 Best Operating Systems For Hackers 2016 Edition

We are talking about here 10 best OS for hacking with their smidgen depictions and elements, you can look at them and download one that you believe is appropriate for your work. So observe on these OS beneath.
#1 Kali Linux
This is a standout amongst the most well known OS that is being utilized by programmers for pentesting and bunches of security adventures. This is a Linux based OS that gives you protection and security from the vulnerabilities that different OS have in it. So should experiment with this cool OS in your PC.
Features Of Kali Linux
- Full Customisation of Kali ISOs
- The Kali Linux ISO of fate – an extraordinary case of the adaptability of live-form, and the sorts and many-sided quality of customizations conceivable.
- Kali Linux Live USB diligence with LUKS encryption
- Kali Linux Full Disk Encryption
- Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi and a pack of other fascinating ARM gadgets
#2 Pentoo
This is one of the best OS for programmers that is just as Live CD. In this, you simply need to make a bootable USB of this OS and afterward essentially boot in your PC and there is no prerequisite to introduce it, you simply need to run it on your PC and do hacking assaults.
Features Of Pentoo:
- Accessible in 32-bit and 64-bit forms, the last having a critical pace increment from 32bit
- Incorporates the obliged environment to break passwords utilizing GPGPU with openCL and CUDA designed 'out of the box'[5][6][7]
- Based on solidified Linux, including a solidified portion and toolchain
- Solidified piece with additional patches[8]
- Utilizes a pentoo overlay, which permits apparatuses to be based on top of a standard gentoo construct.
#3 Backtrack
The other understood Linux based Operating framework is backtrack that is being utilized from couple of earlier years and best known as the OS for system breaking and pentesting. Furthermore, it's likewise the one of the best OS that can perform different system hacks with protection.
Features Of Backtrack:
- One-stop-search for the majority of your security needs
- Metasploit for incorporation
- Wi-Fi drivers supporting screen mode (rfmon mode) and bundle infusion
- Cisco OCS Mass Scanner, an exceptionally dependable and quick scanner for Cisco switches to test default telnet and empowering secret word.
- A substantial accumulation of endeavors and in addition more typical programming, for example, programs.
#4 Parrot-sec forensic os
Features Of Parrot Security:
- Exclusively solidified Linux 4.3 piece, moving discharge overhaul line
- Custom Anti-Forensic apparatuses
- Custom interfaces for GPG
- Custom interfaces for tomb setup
- "Legal" boot alternative to stay away from boot automounts
- Most well known Digital Forensic apparatuses and systems out of the case
#5 NodeZero Linux:
Entrance testing and security examining requires pro tools.The normal way drives us to gathering every one of them in one convenient spot. However how that accumulation is actualized can be basic to how youdeploy successful and strong testing.
All however NodeZero Linux can be utilized as a "Live System" for periodic testing, its genuine quality originates from the understanding that an analyzer requires a solid and effective framework. This is accomplished in our conviction by working at a dispersion that is a perpetual establishment, that advantages from a solid determination of devices, coordinated with a steady linux environment.
#6 Arch Linux
Features Of Arch Linux:
- Arch Linux utilizes its own particular Pacman bundle administrator, which couples basic parallel bundles with a simple to-use bundle manufacture framework.
- The insignificant Arch base bundle set dwells in the streamlined [core] storehouse.
- Arch Linux utilizes a "moving discharge" framework which permits one-time establishment and unending programming redesigns.
- Arch endeavors to keep its bundles as near the first upstream programming as could be expected under the circumstances.
#7 BackBox
Features Of Backbox:
- BackBox has fabricated one of the principal cloud stages for entrance testing.
- Intended to be quick, simple to utilize and give an insignificant yet finish desktop environment.
- BackBox is completely mechanized and non-meddling, without any operators required and no system design changes required to achieve frequently booked, computerized setup reinforcements.
- With the BackBox dashboard diagram, you spare time and wipe out the need to track singular system gadgets
#8 Network Security Toolkit (NST)

The another best OS for security testing which comes as Live CD and you can straightforwardly boot on your PC and you can without much of a stretch run this OS on your PC and do different hacks on your PC.
Features Of NST:
- Numerous undertakings that can be performed inside NST are accessible through a web interface called NST WUI
- Perception of ntopng, ntop, Wireshark, traceroute, NetFlow and kismet information
- JavaScript console with an inherent article library with capacities that guide the advancement of element website pages
#9 GnackTrack
#10 Bugtraq
Features Of Bugtraq:
- Bugtraq framework offers the most exhaustive circulation, ideal, and stable with mechanized administrations chief progressively.
- Bit bland of 3.2 and 3.4 accessible in 32 Bits and 64 Bits has a colossal scope of infiltration, measurable and research center devices.
- The frameworks are accessible in 11 unique dialects
- It has devices like portable legal apparatuses, malware testing labs, devices of the Bugtraq-Community, review devices for GSM, remote, Bluetooth and RFID
So above are the Best OS For Hackers. Must experiment with any of these OS on your PC on the off chance that you adore hacking. Trust you like this article, impart this to others as well. Leave a remark beneath in the event that you have any related questions with this.